(Norsk) Distributors

Sorry, this entry is only available in Norwegian Bokmål.

Country Distributor Address phone/fax Web
Argentina ZIVAL’s SA Av. Callao 395
1022- Buenos Aires
ph 0054 11 4371 7437
fax 0054 11 4371 7500
Czech Republic SELECT audio-visual
distribution company (Naxos)
Av. Callao 395
1022- Buenos Aires
ph 0054 11 4371 7437
fax 0054 11 4371 7500
United Kindom
and Ireland
Proper Note Distribution LTD The New Powerhouse,
Gateway Business Centre,
Kangley Bridge Road,
London SE26 5AN
ph 20 86 76 51 14 www.propernote.co.uk